Action for Elders was formed to provide solutions to the major health challenges of an ageing society. In particular mobility and social isolation (loneliness), our Balanced Lives programme which tackles mobility, social exclusion and health prevention seeks to address this. To date our solution which allows for older people to live active independent lives for longer in their homes has also dramatically reduced visits to the G.P., lessened hospital admissions and in a number of cases even reduced physical joint and bone pain.
Currently, we are a small charity wishing to grow and run more sustainable programmes. With the outcomes we have already achieved in the lives of older people it is our responsibility to do more.
We need to run more programmes across the UK and keep older people fit, healthy and independent for as long as possible.
We want to effect real sustainable change in the health of older people. We can only do this with your help.
Please add 'life' to later life and support us. If you do all of us could be winners!