Africa Health Organisation (AHO)

Every time you play, you will be helping us with vital source of income to support health in Africa as well as giving you the chance to win £25,000 each week.

Why play Africa Heath Lottery?

Every weekly participation in our weekly lottery is incredibly important to us. With 50p of every £1 coming to directly to us, you will be able to help our work in Africa to:

  • perform sight-restoring cataract operations
  • buy life-saving insectcide-treated mosquito nets
  • build children's hospitals and specialist centres
  • buy vaccine cold boxes to keep life-saving vaccines effective
  • fund vital life-saving research into better treatment of childhood cancers to increase survival rates
  • buy bicycle ambulances to help pregnant women in rural areas reach live-saving health centres

Africa Health Organisation (AHO) logo

Classrooms for Malawi

Classrooms for Malawi believe that education is the most effective and sustainable route out of poverty. To alleviate poverty through education, we provide young people in Malawi with the opportunity to attend school in a safe, clean, and friendly learning environment.

We construct and repair education facilities in areas of highest need in collaboration with local communities, to provide an environment conducive to effective learning. There are an estimated 41,000 classrooms required to enable all children to learn indoors, almost all schools in rural Malawi carry out most of their learning outdoors.

Classrooms for Malawi logo


Supporting forRefugees means saving lives and restoring hope to vulnerable women, men and children. With your support we ensure life-saving aid and essential support is available to people facing unimaginable hardships. From shelter and food to school and medicine, together we’re ensuring dignity and hope for women, men and children forced to flee their homes. Join us in supporting a kinder more empathetic world by helping create brighter futures and a lasting difference for people in urgent need.

forRefugees logo

Gambia Horse and Donkey Trust

The Gambia Horse and Donkey Trust is a UK registered charity working to improve the lives of both animals and people in The Gambia. Founded in 2002 by the late Stella Marsden OBE and her sister Heather Armstrong, who is the charity's Director. With no tradition of horsemanship in The Gambia and a combination of poor management, high disease risk and poverty, farmers were investing comparatively large amounts of money for a working animal only for it to die, too often within six months. Not only was this causing further hardship for the farmers, it was also creating a serious animal welfare problem and the veterinary services did not have the infrastructure or finances to be able to help the farmers.

A healthy working animal can increase a farming family's income by up to 500% and buying an animal is a big investment for a family. If the animal becomes sick or dies not only the animal suffers, but its owners suffer too. The Gambia is one of the poorest countries in Africa and is unable to provide all the veterinary support that the animal owners require, so when animals become ill, sometimes their owners are simply unable to find help for them.

Keeping horses and donkeys healthy in The Gambia is a real challenge; insect borne diseases such as Sleeping Sickness (Trypanosomiasis), African Horse Sickness, and tick fever are all too common and when these problems are combined with poor nutrition and management caused by lack of knowledge and poverty, the results can be disastrous for the farmers.

In recent years, due to the unfortunate closure of some other animal welfare organisations working in The Gambia, the charity’s remit has expanded to cover all animals in need of help, not only equines. Due to the very limited veterinary services available within the country, we now treat and care for large numbers of dogs and cats who are suffering from serious illness or injury and rehome them when they are back to full health. Serious diseases such as parvovirus, tetanus and rabies are seen regularly and we carry out regular neuter clinics and vaccination programmes to try to reduce the risks of these diseases, amongst others.

We are a small charity who rely heavily on volunteers and our wonderful team of Gambian staff. We need your help to continue our work and we make every single penny count.

Gambia Horse and Donkey Trust logo

Habitat for Humanity GB

Habitat for Humanity Great Britain is a UK-based charity working to eliminate housing poverty worldwide. Across more than 60 countries, we support families living in unsafe, substandard housing by building and renovating homes, improving access to clean water and sanitation, and advocating for fair land rights.

A decent home is more than bricks and mortar – it’s a foundation for a brighter future. Yet millions of families around the world live without access to this basic human need, struggling daily with the devastating effects of poor living conditions.

From transforming empty spaces into homes here in Britain to providing clean water, safe toilets, and secure housing in Zambia, Malawi, and beyond, Habitat for Humanity works holistically to create lasting change. Every home we build strengthens a community, every clean water source we establish improves health, and every family we help creates a ripple effect of opportunity for generations to come.

This vital work is only possible with the support of people like you. By working together, we can all play a part, and we can all make a difference in creating a world where everyone has a safe place to live.

We are Habitat for Humanity. Together we build.

Habitat for Humanity GB logo

Hands Around the World

Hands Around the World is a UK charity which helps vulnerable children around the world, mostly in Africa. More than 25 million children have been orphaned by HIV/AIDS and many are in desperate need of help.

Hands Around the World supports students at school and vocational training centres in Uganda, Rwanda, Swaziland, Brazil, and Benin, by providing classrooms and workshops, equipment and life-skills.

One in every ten children copes with a disability. 80% live in developing countries. Hands Around the World has sent physiotherapists and speech therapists to a Disability Community Centre in Kenya and has helped build a dormitory and dining facility for disabled pupils who board at a nearby primary school. Once overlooked, these children now havea much brighter future ahead.

Hands Around the World logo

Inter Care Medical Aid for Africa

Inter Care sends high quality medical aid to around 100 rural health units in Ghana, Malawi, Sierra Leone, Tanzania and Zambia. These units include hospitals, health centres, infirmaries, prisons, dispensaries, schools, centres for the disabled, centres for orphaned and vulnerable children and a Fistula Care Centre.

Inter Care is a unique charity local to Leicester and established in 1974. Having identified an urgent need in Africa and aware of the huge amount of medical waste in the UK, the charity committed to recycle surplus medical aid and donate them to rural health units in some of the poorest parts of sub-Saharan Africa.

Inter Care is a UK, licenced, registered charity. In 2012 the charity received the highly prestigious Queens Award for Voluntary Service. Recognising and rewarding excellence in voluntary activities carried out by groups in the community, the award is the highest given to volunteer groups across the UK.

As a small charity, Inter Care relies heavily on the support it receives from around 50 volunteers, many of whom are medically trained, to help recycle the surplus medical aid that we receive. Our low overheads and unique approach means we achieve a huge impact on the lives of some of the poorest people in the countries to which we send aid. The collective estimated catchment population of the health units we support is over 11 million.

Inter Care Medical Aid for Africa logo

The Ellen Mai Guru Trust

The Ellen "Mai Guru" Trust works with its partner organisation, Mother Mary's Children Centres, to relieve poverty and advance education in very poor rural areas in Malawi ravaged by HIV/AIDS. We fund feeding programmes and pre-school education for over 700 children.

The Ellen Mai Guru Trust logo

Winning Numbers: Friday 7th March 2025

  • 8
  • 8
  • 8
  • 3
  • 7
  • 6

Next Draw: 14/03/2025

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