Arrive Alive Appeal

Arrive Alive provides support to the NHS ambulance service and Air Ambulances by providing paramedics and CFR's (Community First Responders) with rapid response vehicles. The vehicles will be used to assist with category ‘A' calls which are classed as serious life threatening emergencies such as; cardiac arrest, unconscious and collapsed patients, chest pains, breathing difficulties, diabetic emergencies, fitting or convulsions, stroke and anaphylaxis. As CFR's are contacted by Ambulance control and asked to attend emergencies within their area the types of terrains can vary greatly from dealing with standard roads to dealing with rural terrains which will require various types of vehicles. Arrive Alive will also provide additional apparatus to paramedics and CFR's such as defibrillators which will be used to provide CPR (cardio pulmonary resuscitation) also additional oxygen canisters as well as other necessary apparatus.

The outcome of the appeal will be to provide vehicles to communities across the United Kingdom which will enable reduced waiting times for emergency medical treatment. It will also enable patients to be transported to hospitals accident and emergency departments more efficiently rather than waiting longer periods of time to receive essential live save saving treatment. If you would like to support Arrive Alive please contact us at [email protected] or via our Twitter page @Arrive_AliveUK or via telephone on 0345 504 8787.

Arrive Alive Appeal logo

FST Weekend Windfall

Scottish Fire and Rescue Service Family Support Trust (FST) has been proudly supporting Scottish Fire Service personnel and their families since 1923. From our origins in Glasgow almost a century ago, we now support fire service families throughout all of Scotland.

We offer financial assistance, respite services and provide ongoing support for our beneficiaries during times when they may be experiencing challenging personal circumstances.

All of the charitable services we provide are available to both serving and retired beneficiaries at no cost to them.

Year on Year, the demand for our services continues to increase. By playing our lottery you will be also be playing your part in enabling us to support our beneficiaries at times of greatest need.

Thank you for supporting us and good luck in FST’s Weekend Windfall.

FST Weekend Windfall logo

North Dartmoor Search and Rescue

The North Dartmoor Search and Rescue Team (NDSRT) is a voluntary organisation based in Okehampton, linked to Mountain Rescue, England and Wales. For more than 30 years, our volunteers have been offering vital support for the Police and other emergency services by providing a Search and Rescue service for missing and injured persons, 365 days a year.

We do much more than come to the assistance of hill walkers and hikers lost or in difficulty on Dartmoor. We are often called out to search for and, if necessary rescue, many other missing people including the elderly, lost children and despondents.

The team is often mobilised by the Devon and Cornwall Constabulary following a 999 call. We respond immediately, day or night.

The NDSRT consists of around 40 highly trained unpaid volunteers drawn from many walks of life. Each brings unique skills and abilities which together create a professional and dedicated organisation.

Over the years, NDSRT has extended its responsibilities to cover more lowland areas of Devon, Cornwall and Somerset. Today, around half of all "call outs" are away from Dartmoor itself.

The team also provides vital safety cover and marshalling for local community and public events such as Ten Tors, an annual event involving some 2400 youngsters in a two-day expedition across Dartmoor.

Our organisation costs well over £15,000 per year to maintain, but as a registered charity, we are wholly dependent on donations from the general public. Your support is essential to protect this vital, and sometimes life-saving, service.

North Dartmoor Search and Rescue logo

North West Ambulance Charity Lottery

The North West Ambulance Charity aims to fund projects, equipment and initiatives to improve the overall wellbeing of staff and volunteers of North West Ambulance Service (NWAS) support community engagement and education, thereby improving health outcomes of patients in the community we serve.

We prioritise our charitable expenditure in two key areas:-

  • Supporting the health and wellbeing of our staff and volunteers
  • Saving lives in the communities that we serve.

We do this by:

  • Funding defibrillators in our communities, focusing on where health inequalities inhibit survival and recovery, and fund lifesaving skills training in those communities along with other engagement initiatives.
  • Supporting NWAS staff and volunteers by funding projects and initiatives enhancing workplace environments and supporting their physical and mental wellbeing, enabling them to provide high quality care for our patients.
  • To fund the provision of additional equipment to enable NWAS staff and volunteers to be more effective in their roles.

Supporting our staff and volunteers to save lives.

With your support we can continue to make a difference in our important work - thank you for choosing to play the North West Ambulance Charity Lottery. Your support could be lifesaving

North West Ambulance Charity Lottery logo

Pett Level Independent Rescue Boat Association

Pett Level Independent Rescue Boat is an independent lifeboat serving the coastline and inland waters between Hastings and Rye in East Sussex. We operate in the same way as other lifeboats with the simple mission of the preservation of life at sea. We are tasked by UK Coastguards or alerted to situations by our local community or visitors and work in partnership with HM Coastguard, RNLI, Police, Border Force and other emergency services.

We are completely self-funded, managed and operated by a team of dedicated and talented volunteers. We rely entirely on voluntary contributions to train our crew and continue delivering the best possible service to anyone who visits our local shoreline.

Pett Level Independent Rescue Boat Association logo

Royal Life Saving Society UK

It is the Royal Life Saving Society UK (RLSS UK)'s purpose to enhance communities, so everyone can enjoy being in, on and around water, safely; because every life is worth saving. Our work is vital in every city, town, community and home.

Royal Life Saving Society UK logo

SARS 999

SARS is a voluntary emergency medical charity which has been active in the East of England since 1972. We help provide life-saving care to critically ill or injured patients in the local community.

Our volunteer clinicians have specialist skills and equipment which are not normally found outside the hospital environment. This enables them to undertake interventions at the scene which can make a positive difference to patient outcomes. 

For almost 50 years, SARS volunteers have responded to thousands of patients and helped save countless lives. All SARS responders offer their time without charge and at no cost to the patient. 

SARS 999 logo

Severn Area Rescue Association

SARA is the all-volunteer search and rescue organisation for a large area of south west England around the River Severn and its estuary.

SARA operate inshore lifeboats on the tidal rivers Severn, Wye and Usk and we conduct both land and inland water search and rescue for high-risk missing people and others in distress across Gloucestershire and all the way up the Severn region to Kidderminster.

SARA has around 200 volunteers and is tasked by the Coastguard, Fire, Police and Ambulance services across its operational area, on average 2-3 times per week, every week of the year. In 2020 SARA responded to 126 different operations. It has 6 x flood teams declared to the national authorities, and they can be (are sometimes are) sent to distant counties when they are in need.

SARA is a charity and has to raise all the costs of running this rescue operation, well over £100,000 per year. Supporting SARA through the Unity Lottery is an excellent way to help SARA to help other people, and have fun at the same time!

Thank you for choosing SARA

Please Visit the Severn Area Rescue Association website, which includes a running log of our callouts.

Severn Area Rescue Association logo

SkyAngels Air Ambulance

SkyAngels Air Ambulance has been formed to provide the United Kingdom with its first national jet aircraft air ambulance charity. Our jets will give the NHS an extra air ambulance option and bring us in-line with all other developed countries.

Funded & Flying on behalf of the general public, supporting the NHS, flying missions across the United Kingdom with a fleet of wide-bodied, twin engined, fully equipped medical jets.

Helping the NHS patient transfer system to quickly, efficiently and safely transfer patients by air.

First planned NHS missions start in 2017. Planned fleet requirements for the UK include 3 of these jets. Help us to fly and support the NHS!

Registered in England & Wales: Charity Number: 1168225

SkyAngels Air Ambulance logo

South Central Ambulance Charity

Your participation in our lottery makes a lifesaving difference.

Our Charity raises funds to support South Central Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust. All the monies raised are used to fund services, projects and equipment that is not supplied by Government NHS funding. Without the money we raise people in our communities would have to wait longer for help which could affect their recovery.

The Charity works across Hampshire, Berkshire, Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire as well as supporting our Patient Transport Services in Surrey and Sussex.

We have three key objectives:

To provide equipment, uniform and training for our volunteer community first responders
All our Community First Responders (CFRs) are volunteers, and they come from every walk of life. What they have in common is their desire to make a difference by volunteering in life and death situations. CFRs assist the Ambulance Service by attending emergency calls in the areas where they live or work. As they are local, they can often reach a potentially life-threatening emergency in the first vital minutes before the ambulance crew can get to the scene.

To build awareness of lifesaving skills and defibrillators in our communities
A little bit of knowledge goes a long way towards saving a life. We want to deliver:

  • Basic awareness training about public access defibrillators in every community where we have installed one.
  • First aid and basic life-saving training in schools and communities.
  • Access to lifesaving skills and information for everyone by making basic training available online.

The NHS does not fund the ambulance service to provide this. With your help, we can give local communities the skills they need to help themselves, and each other, in a life-threatening emergency.

To support SCAS staff with new equipment and better working environments
Our ability to provide lifesaving care is increasingly dependent on our ability to make sure our staff have access to all the latest technology. The NHS funds us to make sure everyone has the basic tools they need to do their jobs. With your help, we could give our staff access to equipment to allow even better care of patients.

So please join our lottery today and help us save even more lives.

To find out more about our charity please go to or contact us at [email protected]

South Central Ambulance Charity logo

SWIFT Medics

SWIFT Medics are a team of specially-trained and equipped volunteer doctors, who attend the scene of medical emergencies across Wiltshire.

Incidents range from road traffic accidents on the M4 or country roads, to assisting heart attack victims or children with breathing difficulties. Calls can come any time of day or night, 7 days a week

Sometimes a doctor attending directly at the scene can mean the difference between life and death. SWIFT Medics doctors can administer life saving drugs and perform procedures, such as giving anaesthetics, re-inflating a collapsed lung or performing a tracheotomy, that otherwise could only happen at hospital. Attending at the scene means valuable time can be saved.

  • SWIFT Medics doctors attend over 350 incidents a year where approximately 50 lives are saved by direct intervention at the scene.
  • SWIFT medics doctors are Wiltshire GP's, Military or hospital based specialists who give their spare time to help the people of Wiltshire and Swindon.
  • SWIFT Medics is a registered charity that receives no government funding and relies entirely on donations from the public to buy equipment and to pay for specialist training.
SWIFT  Medics logo

TASC The Ambulance Staff Charity

TASC The Ambulance Staff Charity support present and past ambulance staff and their families in time of need. We support those working in the NHS and independent ambulance services across the UK.

TASC offer completely independent and confidential support to all staff working or who have worked within the UK's ambulance services. We offer a range of services from financial assistance when suffering hardship or struggling with unforeseen circumstances such as fleeing domestic abuse, ill health, disability, homelessness or loss of a loved one. TASC can provide people in the ambulance family access to free debt advice, access to residential physical rehabilitation and residential psychological rehabilitation for those struggling with poor mental health including Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.

We also offer support and advice, including welfare benefit advice, income maximisation and a listening ear.

There are over 70,000 people working for the UK's ambulances services. Ambulance staff are the carers, looking after the public and are not used to asking for help for themselves. But they experience the same difficulties as you or I and sometimes do need our support.

Help us to keep supporting your national ambulance crews…and by doing so, you have a chance of winning £25,000.

TASC The Ambulance Staff Charity logo

Winning Numbers: Friday 7th March 2025

  • 8
  • 8
  • 8
  • 3
  • 7
  • 6

Next Draw: 14/03/2025

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