Registered Charity No
Carr Gomm is a leading Scottish social care and community development charity. We currently support around 2,000 people across Scotland to live their lives safely and well according to their choices, whilst making plans to achieve their hopes and dreams for tomorrow.
Our support is person-centred and strongly reflects our values of choice, control, respect, interdependence, and openness and honesty.
Every penny we receive contributes to making our society better: reducing loneliness and isolation; improving health and wellbeing; and providing opportunities for people to flourish.
Our community development projects and activities focus on reducing loneliness and isolation in some of Scotland's most deprived communities. They are designed to bring people together to build friendships, skills and confidence.
An example of our work includes community growing projects, which uses gardening and growing opportunities as the vehicle to engage people with their community.
We support local adults, who are experiencing anxiety and depression to build skills, relationships and improve their health.
We also work with local schools to provide innovative outdoor activities for children and young people who struggle in the formal school environment.
For more information on our community development projects and the wider work we do, visit